
Ace Attorney: Pokeuman Edition. Episode 3 Part *11

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

...I should have seen this coming.

I’ve been fighting against the City Government ever since they took him away from my life… only for myself to end up sharing his fate only three years later.

It’s a farce really, To think I ever had a chance.

“Well, well, well Judith, has the time finally come?”

“I was hoping you’d notice, dad. Today is the day; the day that I challenge you for your position in the Elite Four! The cleaning crew will be mopping the floor from your blood after I’ve smashed your teeth in.”

“Heh… heh heh heh… I’ve been waiting for this moment… the time where we compete mano y mano for the right to defend the power of this city. Judith Steele, I’ll be waiting for you at the New Detroit Pokemon League! Don’t keep me waiting!”

We may not have seen eye to eye on mostly anything, but there was one thing that we agreed on; Fighting for Honor, Glory, and for the fun of cracking some heads.

*Three years ago*

Bazel: Oh, Madame Judith… You’ve finally arrived…

Jhudora: I’m here to challenge my father, Bazel. The fight for his ‘throne’ begins today!

Bazel: Um… Madame, there’s something you need to know…

Jhudora: Can’t it wait until after my father is bleeding under my feet?

Bazel: I’m afraid not… your father, he…

Jhudora: Spit it out! I don’t have all day, Bazel.

Bazel: Madame Judith, your father has been forced to forfeit from the Elite Four. The position… has been handed directly to you.

Jhudora: … You wanna run that by me one more time?

Bazel: I came by shortly before you arrived… before I even got here, I noticed he... wasn’t around. His chamber is empty, Madame. I don’t think he’s coming back.

Jhudora: … Wha- what the-

“What the hell happened to my dad?!”

*Jhudora the Aggron bangs her fist on the witnesses stand*

Jhudora: … Gohman Passive, I know you’re watching. Is this what you wanted? To remove the last annoying pest from your city so you’d be able to keep a lid on my father’s absence forever?

Mathilda: …

Jhudora: Kenji Iwatori. You have completely f*cked any chances that I had in rescuing not just my father, but anyone who was being held for a crime they didn’t commit, even those with light crimes can’t leave prison.

Iwatori: You’re a murderer. That’s all there is to it.

Jhudora: Well, I just have one thing to say to that. *holds out arms in front of her* Take a good look at me, squirrel boy. Because you just destroyed the only chance this Pokeuman base ever had. Now there’s zero hope for the New Detroit.

Iwatori: ...

Jhudora: I was the only Pokemon that actually DID anything to reverse the effects, unlike you and Little Miss Sunshine over there. Just to lay the first brick to the wall of despair, who was it that gave Analieta the Goodra a jumpstart to her recovery at the hospital when she was bleeding from her back? I’ll give you a hint; it wasn’t you, or anyone else in this courtroom.

Iwatori: All I did was my job.

Jhudora: You know what you are, Kenny Ishowari? You’re a hypocrite.

Iwatori: Excuse me?

Jhudora: You claim to be a fighter against the police’s strict and unfair ways, but here you are; throwing a defendant in prison without them giving them a chance to defend yourself… Just like Passive. What makes you any different from them? Tell me. Tell me who you think you are!

Iwatori: … You’re  the one who rejected your lawyer, rejected the court…

Jhudora: Hmph, you’re right. I did deny here, and I stand by my decision. After all, I don’t need ‘help’ from one of the Chief Prosecutor’s lackeys. It’s a waste of my time.

Mathilda: You think I work for Passive?!

Jhudora: Anyone who listened to that Medicham for the past few days has heard him gloat about ‘his best and most intelligent pupil.’

Mathilda: I DO NOT work for that Medicham!

Jhudora: Hmph. I have nothing to say to the likes of you. All members of law and politics are grime. I will never accept you as anything higher than a denizen of New Detroit, Squirrel boy. As for Mathilda Sierra, I think the term ‘Pokextinction Terrorist’ fits for you.

*Mathilda hunches on her desk and buries her face in her arms*

Iwatori: … *gritting teeth* M- Mathilda-chan...

Jhudora: Like I said before, we’re done here. Call the verdict already. I’ll get my revenge, one way or another.

*Gallery becomes split in half*

“What an awful Aggron! Sorry for her loss, but how could she be so cruel?!”

“That Aggron is totally right! Screw all of those disgusting mongrels in law and politics”

“That poor Braixen! At least it’s finally over now…”

“Good! Get rid of all those slimeballs that work for Passive!”

“All that effort to try and help that Aggron, and she just gets thrown away!”

Judge: … It appears that this is the end.

Casey: Well, this was a different ending than I expected. Mattie, let’s go get some good food to cheer you up after this trial ends.

Mathilda: …ends?

Judge: I am now ready to declare my verdict. The Prosecution has provided proper means, proper motive, and proper opportunity. The facts seem perfectly clear to me at this time.

Mathilda: The… verdict?


Mathilda: *staring off into space*

Judge: ...Ms. Sierra?

Casey: Mattie?

Judge: ... Mathilda Sierra, you fought well today. *nods* Although you lost this time, I see a bright future ahead of you.

Mathilda: ...Loss? Bright… Future? *remembers what will happen if she loses the case*


Judge: Ms. Sierra?! Are you alright?!

Mathilda: *slams desk* Your Honor! You can’t end the case here! Please, continue the trial!

*Gallery gets even louder*


Judge: Order! Order in the Court! I’m sorry Ms. Sierra, but I see no reason to continue this case at all.

Mathilda: But there’s more to this case that we don’t know about! There are more witnesses to question!

Iwatori: It’s over, Mathilda-chan. There’s no reason to bring forth any more witnesses.

Mathilda: B-But! I have a right to question them! I have a right to examine the rest of the evidence! There might be a clue that could change th-

Judge: Ms. Sierra… Please let it go. I assure you that this case will not tarnish your reputation.

Mathilda: (No! I can’t let it end here! There must be SOMETHING I can do!)

Casey: Mattie? Please… Let’s just leave this case alone, I agree with them that Ms. Izanami doesn’t deserve your help anymore…

Mathilda: … *completely panicking* (What do I do!? What CAN I do?! If there was ever a chance to drop everything and think, it would be now!)

Mathilda: *closes eyes*

(...What would Fairlane do?)


(He would keep his cool, not lose patience, and above all, not give up.)


( I must do the same.)

Mathilda: (If I do that, what I should do next will come to me.)

*Mathilda inhales, and slowly rests her paws onto her desk.*

Mathilda: Kenji Iwatori. I need you to do me a favor.

Iwatori: Excuse me? Favor?

Mathilda: I need you to recall an event for me. That’s all I ask.

Iwatori: ...Which event? And why?

Mathilda: Not too long ago, several Pokemon- including the two of us- were waiting for the Chief Prosecutor to arrive in his office. Do you remember this?

Iwatori: Yes… I remember that day.

Mathilda: Please try to remember what exactly went down in that office. If you do, you’ll know why I would like this trial to continue.

Iwatori: …


“Chief Passive, I don’t know why you’re doing this, but I refuse to let your policies on crime take over the city! If Xavier Fairlane can’t defend the suspect then I will! I’ll keep defending the city until the bitter end!”

“Mathilda! What are you doing?!”

“What a feisty little foxy. You’re talking about tomorrow’s trial, yes? Of course you are. Listen little foxy, even if the defendant in this case accepted you as their lawyer, there is no chance you’ll win the case, none. The suspect in question has already confessed. Don’t bother wasting your time, you’ll end up looking like an idiot in front of your ex-boss. Do you really want to let Xavier down?”

“I don’t care. Even if I lose my boss to your cruel laws, I’ll still put my foot down! I’m taking this case, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. If I don’t do it, and if Fairlane doesn’t do it, who will?! The defendant needs a defense attorney!”

“...Very well, little foxy.Take this case as a fool and betray your destiny as a Prosecutor. Know this though; if you lose this case and the defendant is found guilty, then you will NEVER see yourself at the defense’s bench again, and I will personally make sure you never see Xavier Fairlane again.”

Iwatori: … GAK!


Judge: It’s time to deliver the verdict. This Court finds the Defendant: Jhudora the Aggron~

Judge: !

Casey: !

Jhudora: !

*Iwatori points at the Judge*

Judge: Is this actually happening right now? Are you seriously doing this?

Iwatori: Your Honor… The Prosecution requests another recess.

Judge: But we just had a recess. Do we really another one-

Iwatori: HAI! YES! JA! SÍ!

Judge: … *sigh* Very well. I’m in need for another glass of scotch anyway.

Iwatori: Arigato gozaimasu.

Judge: For whatever reason the Prosecution may have, we shall hold our second recess… even though we previously had a recess what feels like 15 minutes ago. I’ll allow 15 minutes, no more.


Date: January 7th, 2015. Location: City Court, Defendant’s Lobby Number 1

*Iwatori stomps into the room*

Iwatori: Mathilda Sierra! You better not be lying to me or I will throw you in jail myself! Did Gohman Passive actually threaten to turn you into a Prosecutor again if you lost this trial or did you just use me to gain some extra thinking time!?

Mathilda: Well, it’s true that I’m trying to brainstorm all possibilities right now, but I-

Iwatori: ゴーマンがあなたに触れる前に、私はあなたを裂くでしょうから、あなたはあなたの祈りをよく言いますよ!

Mathilda: But I wasn’t lying! He cornered me when I visited Fairlane’s Office! Cross my heart!

Iwatori: … Why should I believe you?! I told you from the very beginning that I won’t be helping you with this case whatsoever!

Mathilda: Are you saying that you’re fine with me being forced to work for Chief Passive?

Iwatori: IIE! But I REFUSE to let Jhudora Izanami go free! She’s a murderer!

Mathilda: … Fine, if you believe that Jhudora really did kill Jeremy, then fight for it. Just know that the next time you see me after this, I’ll be fighting to get everyone guilty as well, only difference being that I won’t be doing it out of my own free will!

*Iwatori stands silently for a few seconds*

Iwatori: … You’d be better off telling the Vice-Director this. I’m not helping you.

*Iwatori leaves*

Casey: What an awful thing for him to say, but… Did I miss something here?

Mathilda: I can’t lose this case, Casey. It’s more important than you think.

???: I’ve made it just in time! Tell me what’s going on!

*Enter the Vice-Director*

Mathilda: You’re actually here?!

Morgan: Naturally. Now spit it out! We only have 15 minutes and I can’t hypnotise a group in a situation like this!

*I explained everything as fast as I could*

Casey: What?! Passive actually did that?!

Morgan: That miserable- alright, I get the gist. No way in damnation am I letting him turn you into a Prosecutor!

Mathilda: So what can I do?! What if I’m too late?!

Morgan: Even if you lose the trial, now that I know the situation, I’ll be able to protect you from the Police. That being said…

Mathilda: What?!

Morgan: Well, based on what you told me, it sounds like Passive thinks the Pokemon who killed David Jeremy is NOT Jhudora Izanami.

Casey: I thought the police was determined to put all accused Pokemon in Jail!

Morgan: 9/10 times, that’s usually true. But… there have been exceptions; occurring when Passive thinks the Police accused the wrong Pokemon.

Mathilda: Well, he did say that… but so what?!

Morgan: Well, if that’s the case, I’m surprised he didn’t order a continuation when the verdict was about to be delivered, perhaps he was not here watching the trial!

Casey: That’s a good thing, right?

Morgan: Once the Chief Prosecutor decides something, it’s nearly impossible to change his mind. If he thinks Jhudora isn’t guilty, then I guarantee he would have said something!

Casey: Hey, where’s Jhudora?

Mathilda: Anyways, are you saying that you think Gohman is gonna force us to continue the trial?

Morgan: No doubt in my mind. Just give him a little more time… since the court gave him 15 minutes worth of free time to get here.

Mathilda: Ugh… I can’t believe we have to rely on that monster… I thought I never had pride before… Now I’m just broken inside.

Morgan: I’m sorry, Ms. Sierra. You what you need is a vacation right now.

Mathilda: (Fairlane… Are you here, watching this trial? I could really use your help right now…)

???: Hey! Mattie! Casey!

*Manon the Mismagius flies into the Lobby*

Casey: Hey, Manon! What’s up?

Manon: I’ve got a message from somebody for you! I offered to bring it to you to see how you’re doing!

Mathilda: We only have around 7 minutes left! Make it quick, Ms. Montesquieu!

Manon: Of course.

Casey: Who’s it from? Your boyfriend?

Manon: Nope, Frankie doesn’t have time to talk since he’s preparing to be the next witness. I guess Ms. Izanami’s accusation really rattled him...

Casey: Huh? Then who’s it from?

Manon: It’s from someone who was present at the Culture Festival. They didn’t like how you were being treated and wanted to give you a photograph, maybe they thought it would help?

Mathilda: Photograph?

*Manon hands Mathilda a photograph* It depitcts a Pokemon dancing atop the contest stage, reaching out and smiling to the audience. Franklin and Manon can be seen in the background. [TIMESTAMP: JAN. 2ND, 2015 3:44 AM]*

Casey: Hey, What a nice shot! The attention to the finer details as well as the angle that the photographer used makes this a parallel to a work of art!

Mathilda: Was that your photojournalist side coming out?

Casey: Let me take a closer look! Wow… This is really excellent… there aren’t even any blurs from a result of anyone moving! The camera used must have been of the highest quality!

Mathilda: So uh… what’s in the shot?

Manon: It’s a photograph taken near the end of the Pokemon Contest: You can even see me and Frankie in the judging panels.

Mathilda: So the cat that’s dancing on the center stage is one of the participants, huh? What was the name of this Pokemon again?

*Casey nearly unscrews her own head after seeing the dancing Pokemon in the shot*

Casey: Hey, t-that’s Rosie Ann the Delcatty!!!

Mathilda: Who’s Rosie Ann?

Manon: The Delcatty in that shot is actually a celebrity singer who go her start in Michigan after she transformed. Since she’s front and center that means that this photo’s probably worth a couple thousand dollars.

Morgan: Who would have thought that celebrities could be so revered?

Casey: I had no idea that someone like Rosie actually came to New Detroit, yet alone come to a World Culture Festival! Argh! Does that mean I missed her!? Think of the million-dollar interview that I could have gotten!!

Morgan: I’m fairly certain that if Rosie Ann had actually come to the World Culture Festival, seeing how famous she is, her managers would have gotten her to another base by now once they got word of this murder.

Mathilda: Um… I hate to be that person but… What does this photograph have to do with our case?

Manon: I don’t really know. I guess whoever wanted to give you that photo just wanted to try and cheer you up?

Mathilda: Yeah…

Manon: I guess it didn’t work.

Mathilda: *sigh* Oh well. I guess in the end I can get some quick cash out of this.

*Contest Photo added to the Court Record I'M A FAILURE I GET IT I'M SORRY*

Morgan: Well, back to the matter at hand. Like I said, if Passive thinks someone else did it, then he’ll probably pull a few strings to continue the trial. Passive may be corrupt, but he’s not a incompetent investigator.

Mathilda: I thought the police couldn’t get involved with the CDU…

Morgan: *removes twig from mouth and begins to fiddle with it in his claws* Even then, Passive doing nothing at all just seems… off. He’s GOT to have a suspect in mind. Question is… Why hasn’t he pushed any further? If the culprit isn’t Ms. Izanami… then who did the deed?

Bailif: Time is up, Ms. Sierra. Please return to the courtroom.

Morgan: By the way… If I were in your shoes, I would divorce Jhudora from your mind. She may very well be innocent, but her attitude so far has been unacceptable.

Casey: I agree! Screw her!

Mathilda: (My only hope at this point, is if Gohman Passive really does extend the trial…)


Judge: I accidently dropped my shot glass before I could pour anything into it. It shattered on my chamber floor… so let’s resume the trial! Why did we have that recess?

Mathilda: (That was a joke… right?)

Iwatori: Your Honor, I apologise for the interruption. By all means, give us your verdict.

Judge: … You’re not going to tell me what all that was for?

Iwatori: ... I suggest someone keep an eye on Mathilda-chan after you give the guilty verdict. Someone may try to turn her into a Prosecutor by force.

Judge: ...Ms. Sierra.

Mathilda: (Iwatori’s really gonna let this trial end…)

Judge: I want you in my chambers effective immediately. Go, before I give my verdict.

Mathilda: … I can’t convince you to continue the trial at this point, can’t I?

Judge: You are a remarkable attorney. Two trials back to back and you handled each one with superb skill. Like I said before, your good name will not tarnish. Please, before the police get here.

Mathilda: … I’ll be ok, Your Honor. The fact that Iwatori even cares about me is enough for me to keep going. I’ll listen to the verdict.

Judge: ...Incredible. Very Well, may the Defendant please step forward.

*Jhudora appears*

Judge: ...This courtroom finds the defendant~

Mathilda: …

Judge: !

Iwatori: !

Casey: !

Jhudora: ...

Everybody Else: !

*Franklin the Floatzel takes the stand*

*Franklin holds up his hand*

Franklin: Excuse me! I have something I want to say!

Judge: A Floatzel? That means you must be… Mr. Hoffman, correct?

Franklin: Eh, Yeah. Battle coach, Franklin Hoffman. I was in charge of the World Culture Festival.

Judge: I’m about to deliver my verdict. Is what you want to say important enough to put my verdict on hold?

Franklin: Your Honor! *grips the witness stand* I’m afraid that you can’t hand down the verdict yet. That Aggron accused me of murder! What’s going to happen to me?

Judge: I’m not really at liberty to listen to what Ms. Izanami has to say, so you don’t have to worry, Mr-

*Jhudora slides over next to Franklin at the stand*

Jhudora: Well, well, well,  you going to confess to the murder?

Franklin: Of course not! I’m not about to let you slander my name. Also, how dare you call me a freak earlier! What did I ever do to you?!

Jhudora: ...Nice scarf, if I recall correctly… The reason you’re wearing that scarf is because you charred it off, correct?

Franklin: Hey! You son of a~

*Gallery begins to mumble*

Franklin: *Turns to face Jhudora* You got something to say about my battle style?


Mathilda: (Mr. Passive never showed, instead Franklin decided to step up… I don’t know whether to see that as being lucky or unlucky…)

Judge: ...If it bothers you that much Mr Hoffman, then you may testify for yourself.

Franklin: It’s not just that, Your Honor. I like to consider myself a witness as well. Getting accused of murder just fuelled my urge to speak up.

Iwatori: Great. Anyone else want to prolong the verdict?

*Mathilda raises her arm*

Iwatori: … Grr…

Mathilda: So Prosecutor Iwatori, did word ever come back on that walkie-talkie?

Iwatori: Don’t gloat. I will retaliate.

Mathilda: I wasn’t gloating.

Iwatori: ...Hai. I got the radio back. There are no prints; finger or paw on it, and the lab guys were unable to repair it. Whatever kind of fire hit it was really hot, and really pressurized. However, I find it useless until it can be placed at the crime scene.

Mathilda: Huh?

Iwatori: All this proves is that a fire attack was used somewhere in the hall. Since the crime scene is at the cove, why should we care about an attack that took place elsewhere?

Mathilda: It’s more than possible that the true crime began somewhere else!

Iwatori: Impossible. The victim died when he impacted the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. If he had gotten attacked at the watchpoint before he fell from the cove then why didn’t his body have any sort of burn mark when we found him?

Franklin: Actually. I’d like to testify about that. I may have a reason why the walkie-talkie got burned.

Judge: Before you do, I must ask you something.

Franklin: Go ahead, shoot.

Judge: The radio in question… is it yours?

Franklin: No, I had my own set of walkie-talkies for the World Culture Festival, and nobody else was on the channel that we were using.

Mathilda: So the walkie-talkie we have here doesn’t belong to Franklin? Interesting…

*Walkie-talkie added to the Court Record*

Mathilda: Out of curiosity, who were you using the radios with?

Franklin: I had three walkie-talkies that I brought from my work, and I handed the other two to the other judges for the contest.

Iwatori: In other words, your girlfriend; Ms. Montesquieu, and Ms. Lord; who was operating the sound.

Franklin: Yep. That about covers it.

Mathilda: So you think you know why the radio got burned, right?

Franklin: It’s more a theory than anything else. I didn’t actually see anything get caught on fire.

Judge: Very well, please begin. Ms. Izanami, you may step back down.

Jhudora: Franklin Hoffman… If you didn’t kill that Lickilicky, then who did?

Franklin: It wasn’t me. Don’t go throwing accusations around.

Jhudora: …

Iwatori: … What a farce, Mathilda-chan… If this turns out to be a waste of time…

Mathilda: *sweating* You don’t even have to finish that sentence… The fire in your eyes is all that I need to see...

-TESTIMONY- “Trial by Fire” (Franklin the Floatzel)…

1. “While it’s true that my type got mutated at some point while being a Floatzel…”

2. “I never burned anything during the festival!”

3. “On the night of the murder, I was with Manon at the watchpoint, just the two of us.”

4. “It was… around 3:30 AMish. We could only see a few familiar faces from the watchpoint.”

5. “At that moment, Manon and I suddenly felt an overwhelming heat wave strike where we were standing.”

6. “If something was burning, it had to have been that walkie-talkie at the watchpoint!”

Judge: A… heat wave?

Franklin: If you don’t believe me, talk to Manon. She can vouch for me.

Iwatori: This testimony is pointless. If the victim wasn’t involved in a firefight, then why does this need to be discussed?

Mathilda: …*awkward smile* Because we need to learn the truth from everybody?

Iwatori: … 黙れ

Franklin: Well, it was argued that the fire took place at the watchpoint, correct? Well, the table WAS there, but if there was a burn mark on it, we didn’t notice it.

Judge: So, a fire was taking place elsewhere while you and Ms. Montesquieu were at the watchpoint?

Franklin: Exactly… Actually… I wouldn’t say it was a ‘fire…’

Mathilda: …We got this testimony as a result of Jhudora blaming Franklin for the murder… so of course Iwatori doesn’t want to be involved in it. I’m not really sure how useful this can be if it was created from an impulse…

Casey: Well then, let’s take advantage of the situation!

Mathilda: Take advantage?

Casey: Franklin was in charge of the Culture Festival, right? Wouldn’t it be possible then to think that he might know something about the event that nobody else would know about? Something that might be connected to the crime?

Mathilda: Oh… I see what you’re getting at. Let’s try that out. (One false move, however, and Iwatori will probably get more agitated than he already is… I better think before I speak.)

Judge: Now hold on just a minute. Ms. Izanami, why are you still at the stand?

Jhudora: Hmph. If I’m going to be the prime suspect for this circus, it’s high time I started standing my ground. I’ll leave when I’m satisfied.

Franklin: *turns head towards Jhudora* If you plan on accusing me some more, I suggest you let me speak first.

Jhudora: Just keep talking, Flame boy.

Franklin: *Scoffs, than faces away from Jhudora.*

Mathilda: (Huh? Even though I’ll be questioning Franklin… Jhudora plans on listening carefully this time around and is staying near the stand… I’m not sure what she’s up to, but maybe I can use her to my advantage this time…)

-CROSS EXAMINATION- “Sierra the Braixen VS Iwatori the Cinccino”

1. “While it’s true that my type got mutated at some point while being a Floatzel…”

Mathilda: So it’s true? You ARE a fire type?! (What are the odds of that?!)

Franklin: ...Yeah… It wasn’t always like that, it just kinda… happened.

Mathilda: I was unaware that something like that could even happen…

Franklin: So I’m a special Floatzel with special powers… It doesn’t mean I’m a cheater, OK? The New Detroit  government knows already, the Chief of Battle knows already, everyone who knows me knows already~ even this monster knows already.

*Jhudora stands silently, with a bloodthirsty grin on her face*

Mathilda: (Sounds like he gets enough flack already for that…) My apologies, I wasn’t trying to be offensive.

Franklin: ...It’s fine. I get it. I just don’t want to be accused of murder because I accidentally burned off my floatation sac.

Iwatori: Like how you burned off any chances of being a reliable witness?

Casey: Ouch… That must have been painful.

Franklin: *caught off guard*

Jhudora: *turns head towards Franklin and grins*

Mathilda: (I better stick to the facts if I don’t want Iwatori to counter me) Hm… It’s true that there was some sort of fight involving fire at Great Lakes Hall… but if Franklin is the only one involved that can spew fire, then at the very least he’ll end up becoming a person of interest.

Casey: Do you think Frank killed Mr. Jeremy?

Mathilda: I don’t know yet… I should probably question Mr. Hoffman some more before I make that decision.

2. “I never burned anything during the festival!”

Mathilda: Can you not control your fire abilities, Mr. Hoffman?

Franklin: Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not a member of the X-Men with uncontrollable fire-blasting powers. I can control my fire abilities, just like any other fire type.

Mathilda: *sweating* I guess that was a loaded question…

Franklin: Thinking I’m some kind of murderer because of one or two burned pieces of evidence is jumping to conclusions too fast. And don’t forget: I have my own walkie-talkie!

Mathilda: So in a nutshell, you’re saying that you did not engage in any form of battle for the entirety of the World Culture Festival…

Franklin: That is correct! *Towards Jhudora* You have a lot of nerve!

Jhudora: Nerve is necessary in this city, or have you not realised?

Franklin: I am a respected teacher of the Battle Institute. To have my name slandered like this is- is-

Mathilda: Mr. Hoffman!

Franklin: ! Sorry… I lost my temper.

Mathilda: Do you know any other fire types that are related to this case?

Franklin: No… The only other Fire type that I remember seeing is you, Ms. Sierra. That was right before the bodies were found.

Mathilda: … Am I gonna be a suspect next?

Judge: Not unless you’re feeling guilty.

Mathilda: Lovely…

Casey: Any revelations yet?

Mathilda: Of course not. We just started.

Casey: Then let’s keep on the prowl!

Mathilda: At least one of us is feeling good about this.

3. “On the night of the murder I was with Manon at the watchpoint, just the two of us.”

Mathilda: Manon Montesquieu the Mismagius… (Talk about a tongue-twisting name… I wonder if she's French?)

Franklin: Manon and I were together for most of the Culture Festival, so she can say without a doubt that I was NOT the Pokemon who killed David Jeremy the Lickilicky!

Mathilda: Does Manon know any fire moves?

Franklin: Nope! So she couldn't have been the one who burned the table or the radio.

Mathilda: You said you were alone with Ms. Montesquieu for most of the Festival, but was there any moment that night when the two of you were separated or doing different things?

Franklin: I suppose. After all, the two of us were in charge of the Festival, so we were needed for a lot. We may have split up to help with a cleaning-up task, but like 99% of the time we were together. It was really during the day that Manon had to leave every now and then for her job.

Mathilda: Her job? If I recall, she was a…?

Franklin: She’s in charge of the records at the Prosecutor’s Office. Anyone who needs to go in that wouldn’t normally have clearance would need to go through her in order to view any court cases or investigations filed in the room.

Mathilda: So she’d head to the Prosecutor’s Office, open the records room for people, and then return?

Franklin: Come to think about it... I may have misremembered earlier… I actually do recall a moment when Manon was called to the Prosecutor’s Office on the night of the crime.

Mathilda: What? Do tell!

Franklin: It was little after 5.. I think? At the very least, it was a long while after the victim supposedly died.

Mathilda: Manon left for the Records Room around 5AM? When did she return?

Franklin: Eh… Around 6:30?

Mathilda: And you were alone for that span of time?!

Franklin: What’s the rush? It’s not like it’s a big deal or anything; it happened after the murder. What, are you really gonna accuse Manon of murder?

Mathilda: Of course not, Mr. Hoffman. It’s just that this case is barren with information, I need all the info I can squeeze.

Franklin: … I see…

Mathilda: (This could take a long while.)

Jhudora: Sounds to me like a certain phantom witch doesn’t have an alibi for a short while. Even if that Lickilicky died long before she left, who’s to say she wasn’t doing something else? Something illegal, perhaps?

*Franklin positions his hand right under Jhudora’s head next to her neck to point at her chin*

Franklin: Shut up! YOU be quiet!

Iwatori: Are we done here yet? I have a ‘guilty verdict’ to obtain.

Mathilda: *sweating…* Moving on...

4. “It was… around 3:30ish. We could only see a few familiar faces from the watchpoint.”

Mathilda: Could you please inform the court any faces you could recognize?

Franklin: I saw both of the Tims at their booth… doing their own thing, cooking and whatnot. I saw Ms. Cissy preparing to take apart the audio system, and that about covers it.

Mathilda: That’s not a very long list.

Franklin: Well, those are the only faces I could recognize. A few other Pokemon were there, taking apart the stage.

Mathilda: Stage?

Franklin: It was in the center of the hall, used to hold the contest. It had a backdrop, and a few speakers lined up around various points around it.

Casey: Remember, Mattie? We have a photo of that stage!

Mathilda: Oh, right…

*Mathilda glances at the Photograph*

Mathilda: The crowd members that we can see are really losing it over the Delcatty in this shot; They’re borderline climbing onto the stage.

Casey: C-Can I have this photo of Rosie Ann after the trial? I could really use it…

Mathilda: Um, Sure. You wanna sell it?

Casey: Maybe… Probably not…

Mathilda: (Sigh) Mr. Hoffman, about this stage, mind if I ask you a few questions about it?

Franklin: You have questions regarding the- Ok.

Mathilda: (Hm… What should I ask…) Is it possible that Mr. Jeremy was there to help take apart the stage?

Iwatori: Are you being serious?

Mathilda: It was an honest question!

Iwatori: Jeremy was mere footsteps away from his goal of introducing a jury to a courtroom. Why would he care about anything involving manual labor, like helping taking apart a stage?

Mathilda: We don’t know much about his personality… maybe he was nice enough to lend a hand?!

Franklin: To answer your question… No. I didn’t see him help with the stage.

Mathilda: Aw… come on!

Franklin: *crosses arms* I was super attentive that night! Anything could go wrong, even after the festival ended, so I had to be prepared for anything. That’s why I can say without any doubt… that Mr. Jeremy was NOT there that night, not at the stage nor at the watchpoint!

Mathilda: … Hold on. Didn’t you say that you were at the cove a few times during the culture festival? Couldn’t he have been there?

Franklin: The cove? I dunno. I was there plenty of times before and a small portion during but on the night after the festival I was too busy to take a look.

*Jhudora snickers, deep in thought*

5. “At that moment, Manon and I suddenly felt an overwhelming heat wave strike where we were standing.”

Mathilda: A heat wave? That’s rather random…

Franklin: Exactly why I brought it up in my testimony. It suddenly became really warm, but it only lasted for a minute or two. The thing is, I really didn’t think it involved the murder until well, Ms. Izanami showed us the burned walkie-talkie.

Mathilda: That’s rather foolish.

Franklin: We’re Pokemon! A heat wave is nothing special, and could happen at anytime without much issue or cause! Maybe a Pokemon was trying to warm up or something in the hall because they felt cold?

Mathilda: …

Franklin: Thinking back… My first assumption was that the Tims had ruined their curry. Again.

Mathilda: ...Gotta hand it to you, if I was in your shoes, I probably would have suspected the Tims too. But even so, would that be enough to cause a heat wave?

Franklin: You clearly haven’t known the Tims for very long. I’ve met them only last week and their innocent shenanigans have had almost… nevermind.

*Franklin shudders*

Mathilda: … (You know what? Ignorance is bliss.)

Jhudora: You’re a fire type, and you just ‘happened’ to feel a sudden heat wave around the time of the crime? Sounds awfully suspicious.

Franklin: Something you wanna say?!

Jhudora: Just trying to understand your leaky logic. don’t mind me, weasel boy.

Franklin: Hmph. Fine, I’m not about to have you leave yet anyway.

Casey: Watching these two is making me anxious, I’m almost tempted to snap a video and post it to the internet.

Mathilda: *deep in thought*

Casey: You look troubled. Do you think Franklin’s making this all up?

Mathilda: Even if  Frank WAS fibbing, don’t you think that Manon would have deemed it strange and speak up? She was with him too that night, and I don’t think a worker at the Prosecutor's Office would let their boyfriend lie in court like this…

Casey: *Looks for Manon’s whereabouts in the gallery* I guess you got a point there.

Mathilda: (...I do wonder about Mr. Hoffman though…)

6. “If something was burning, it had to have been that Walkie-Talkie at the watchpoint!”

Mathilda: So in the end, you suspect that the walkie-talkie on fire caused a sudden stroke of heat?

Franklin: Bingo. If not the radio, then the table… didn’t you say that also was caught in the fire?

Mathilda: Well, It’s true one of the legs was burned, but it’s not as scarred as the talkie.

Franklin: Look, there isn’t a doubt in my mind; On the night of the crime, the walkie talkie caused a heat wave!

Jhudora: That’s kind of a stretch… especially coming from a weirdo like you.

Franklin: It’s the only explanation! If a sudden rush of heat didn’t originate from the radio in the watchpoint, then where else could the heat have come from?

Casey: Could something else have caught fire that night? A third item perhaps?

Mathilda: I can’t think of anything else we saw at the hall that could have been burned…

Casey: Hmm… I guess you're right.

Mathilda: But even then… I can’t slow down. If I begin to release the tension of the Cross Examination then…

The Court Record has been Updated! I took some time out to make it less of a clusterfuck to the eyes. The Pictures have been centered and shrunk down, the Names of the Evidence have been bolded, and I tried respacing everything to give it a more even look: AAPEE3P11REDUXCR
- Pokemon belongs to GameFreak

- Pokeumans belongs to the first person to build a fucking time machine.
- Ace Attorney belongs to Capcom
-With the exception of three, all characters in AAPE are fictional and belong to EddyXS.
Nothing I say could make the situation any better, but it can ALWAYS get worse.
© 2017 - 2024 EddyXS
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