
Ace Attorney: Pokeuman Edition. Episode 2 Part 9.

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Episode Two: Turnabout Fried.
Day 2 (Trial); Part 6

Mathilda: The farther I got into the Cross Examination, the more jumbled your testimony became. One thing was very clear; The police have fed you information, as if you were reading off notecards.

Brett: I wasn't trying to hide it. That's exactly what was happening.

Mathilda: Well then, I guess I'll have to blame the Police for the error that you made.

Brett: Excuse me?

Mathilda: Before I present my evidence, let's go over the Police/PRT's arguments one last time to make sure we're all on the same page.

Iwatori: As pitiful as that testimony was, I'm afraid I have to agree.

Mathilda: Let's see...

"The crime to kill Venin the Arbok was planned ahead of time by Analieta the Goodra. The Defendant tricked the Victim into a false meeting using Venin's partner's name as bait. Then, the defendant hid inside the bathroom to avoid the Emolga employee until she left. Finally, she snuck up to Venin from behind, bashed him over the head with a glass pitcher, and hid his body in the truck after breaking the lock."

Brett: That about sums it up. I trust the Police Force. They wouldn't knowingly back me into a corner with their investigation.

Mathilda: ... Ok then. *shakes head* Mr. Iwatori, do you want to go first?

Iwatori: Hai, with pleasure. First of all, if the crime was premeditated then why didn't Analieta bring her own weapon with her to the Shoppe? She used a glass pitcher that was used in the bar area. That's the opposite of planning a murder.

Brett: Eh, Huh?

Mathilda: Second, You claimed that ‘Pokemon are very strong creatures’ or something like that. In the last trial I had, we proved that this may not always be the case.

Brett: Oh… Right, I...

Iwatori: Next, if the Defendant really DID hide in the bathroom, then her gooey residue should have been present in one of the stalls. The only place where we found Goodra goo in one big place, was the table closest to the door.

Brett: Well, eh, I can explain…

Mathilda: *slams desk with sceptre* Lastly, Mr. Brett, have you ever seen this before?

Brett: No… I mean- I know that’s a key, but…

Mathilda: This is the master key for the restaurant. It can open almost all of the locks in the building.

Brett: There’s a master key for the Ramen Shoppe? I’m a regular and I didn’t even know that.

Mathilda: The manager of the Ramen Shoppe is usually in possession of this key. But that night, the Manager gave the key to a certain Pokemon to borrow.

Brett: Let me guess, that Pokemon was Analieta the Goodra, right? That only drives my point home! She used the Restaurant as a setting for her ‘meeting’ then crushed Venin’s skull!

Mathilda: If we were to take the logical path, then yes. This key would have proven your point straight out of the park. Analieta would have used the key to get into the refrigerated truck and stash the body in there behind the store.

Brett: All Right! So the police ARE correct! I knew I could count on them!

Judge: *Eyes opened wide*

Mathilda: … Iwatori, I have a favor to ask.

Iwatori: Hai, I’m all ears.

Mathilda: A little while ago, Mr. Brett said something that we have never heard in this court before. Can I ask special permission for someone to examine the truck?

Iwatori: Hai. We can ask the Bailiff to check,


Judge: Permission Granted. Bailiff, on the double!

*A Kabutops rushes out the Courtroom doors*

Iwatori: I just got a text message from Ninny-chan, who was alerted by the Hospital. Analieta is now stable, the bullet was removed from her back and X-rays reveal that the bullet has not done any catastrophic damage to her body as of now.

Mathilda: Thank Goodness!

Judge: What a relief.

Iwatori: However, while she was being examined, the Doctors found something else in her organ systems. Something more sinister.

Mathilda: Wait a minute… what now? I thought getting shot was bad enough!

Iwatori: Upon getting a blood sample, the Health Experts tested her blood and discovered that the Defendant has an unusually  large amount of… ‘Vitamin K’ in her bloodstream.

Mathilda: Vitamin K? Is that like Vitamin C?

Iwatori: *Reading off phone* Apparently, Vitamin K is an oral medication, and is used in regular doses to thicken one’s blood, mostly to stop unusual bleeding or to handle a wound after an accident.

Judge: And this was in her body? That doesn’t sound very sinister, Prosecutor Iwatori.

Iwatori: Correct. Vitamin K has very few side effects, if you’re a human.

Mathilda: … OOF (I forgot… again)

Iwatori: I don’t have all the details yet, but according to the Doctors, Analieta is already on her way to the Courtroom with her own medical report right now… Apparently she’d rather be here than resting up.

Mathilda: (Talk about dedication…)

Brett: ! She’s on the loose right now!? I better go catch her before she get’s away with her crime!

Iwatori: Perhaps you didn’t hear me, I said she’s ON HER WAY HERE, so stand still. YOU chose to testify, YOU’RE stuck here until YOU tell the truth.

Brett: … *eyes glow red*

Mathilda: !

Brett: I TRIED to be cool about this, but you have hit my last nerve. now WATCH ME LEAVE, before I crush you like a bug.

Mathilda: (He’s going to leave?!)

Iwatori: Fine then, hit the road. If you do leave, then the Police statement will be thrown out the window, along with all of your arguments.…

Brett: … How dare you…

Iwatori: … Gohman Passive is a Monster. If you decide to side with his methods, then we shall never get along.

Brett: You are a fool. Crime Rates have dipped since Passive became the Chief of Police. Explain how that’s bad!

Iwatori: Simple, the Population of New Detroit has dropped since 2013, the year Passive became the Chief.

Brett: That has NOTHING to do with this! Pokemon are just leaving because they don’t know what’s good for the city!

Bailiff (not the Kabutops): Your Honor, the Kabutops made it to the Restaurant.

Judge: And?

Bailiff: The lock that was hung on the back door of  the truck has fallen to the pavement almost under the rear wheel, and it’s snapped in half.

Mathilda: … Well that really is true.

*Truck updated in the Court Record*

*cut music*

Mathilda: Now I can finish my argument. Analieta the Goodra had this key when she walked into the Ramen Shoppe. If she really did kill Venin-

Brett: There is no ‘if’ here, haven’t you been listening?!

Mathilda: … *shakes head* IF she really did kill Venin, then why would she bust the lock open?

She had the key to open it herself!

Brett: … Oh… Ohhhhhhhhhhh no.

Mathilda: Now that THAT is out of the way, I’d like to court to hear MY argument!

Brett: YOUR Argument!?

Mathilda: I propose that a third party was in the Ramen Shoppe that night! This third Pokemon, is the true killer, and the real reason why Venin the Arbok is missing!…

Brett: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! But that goes against the Police Statement!

Mathilda: My proof is in the broken lock! Someone obviously broke into the cooling truck, but It couldn’t have been my client, she had a key!

Brett: Ok, so maybe Analieta DIDN’T bust into the truck. But what about the Arbok, Venin!

Mathilda: And why the dump would he do that?! Even if the Victim was alive when the truck was broken into, the only reason he went into the store past hours to begin with was because he wanted to meet up with his PRT partner! He wasn’t trying to do anything completely illegal!

Brett: … *clenches ears* No way...

Mathilda: Time for my next point!

Brett: What?

Mathilda: Brett Winkel, for someone who never investigated the crime scene, you knew certain points of interest that otherwise should have only been known to those who had! The notebook entry that talked about Wyld and the bloody pitcher; those two pieces of information should have not been in your arsenal of arguments, since the Police had 0% interest in taking this case!

Brett: WAIT! The Police DID know about those pieces of evidence because they inspected the crime scene themselves AFTER the gun was revealed. OF COURSE they would know about the evidence!

Mathilda: Impossible! If that’s the case, then you should have known about the Master Key as well, but you had no idea it existed!

Brett: Urk!

Mathilda: And why exactly is that? Simple, Iwatori was the only one who knew about the key, and he revealed that information during the trial!

Brett: That’s not my fault! That squirrel was hiding evidence!

Mathilda: Don’t even try to pull a fast one like that! If the Police really did try to investigate the case, then they would have discovered the key eventually, but they never did! Instead, the Police only looked into the case after realising that they would lose their grip on arresting Analieta!

Brett: What?! How?!

Mathilda: Analieta had been shown to had been shot. If the Police wanted to keep Analieta in jail, they would have to upgrade their charges. And to do that, they turned the Ramen Shoppe upside down, ONLY to find evidence proving that the Goodra is guilty of ANY crime!

Brett: No way!! The Police would have started to find the real killer if they found that Analieta was really Not Guilty. But instead, they found that she truly WAS the culprit!

Mathilda: Mr. Brett, Analieta is not the Culprit, and thanks to your testimony, I can finally prove it!

Brett: This has to be a hoax. How can you prove such a ridiculous claim?!

Mathilda: Well, I already explained the broken lock, and that alone shattered any other potential your testimony may have had of convincing the Court. Now it’s time to look at your other points.

Brett: Shut up, rookie!

Mathilda: *points scpeptre* No!

Brett: !

Mathilda: At one point during your argument, you said that my client had to have hid herself in the bathroom stall to hide from the Emolga that was working there that night. What surprised me about that statement was that I tried making a similar argument  after we learned about the hidden tiny bathroom, but I had to cut short because the gun was found! Isn’t it a little suspicious how that same theory was used in the Police testimony?

Brett: …

Mathilda: Once again, the Police are showing that they only care about finding the same Client Guilty, even if another suspect is presented.

Brett: …

Mathilda: You also said in your testimony that the Defendant was ‘probably shot beforehand at the restaurant’ but that’s impossible.

Brett: Why?

Mathilda: Well, besides being a flimsy argument, if she was really shot before the Restaurant closed down, then we would have had a whole different case on our hands, as both Pam Bingzi and the cook would have witnessed the event. No, the shooting must have happened at another point in time.

Judge: Alright then, Ms. Sierra, I can see that you want to talk about the Pistol. So let me ask you, when was Analieta shot?

Mathilda: Simple. She was shot after the restaurant  closed for the night, proving my argument that a third Pokemon was there at the Ramen Shoppe that night!

Iwatori: Normally I’d speak up, but I think I’ll continue to be quiet for this.

Brett: No... Not yet, the Police aren't done and out yet...

Mathilda: ... What is it?

Brett: You know damn well what I want. If you're going to discredit the Police so disgustedly, I want to see proof that you're not blowing smoke.

Mathilda: I... Don't have any proof. But the fact that the gun-

Brett: Save it! You don't have proof. All that means is that the Gunshot has NOTHING to do with the murder of Analieta the Goodra! Meanwhile, I may have not known about the master key, but I have the word of the Police to back me up. Let's not forget that the Defendant confessed to the crime scene!

???: Did she? Are you sure about that?

Brett: Yes, Mattie. Analieta did! Gohman told me directly that she confessed right in front of his face when she walked into the Police Department. What more proof do you need?!

Mathilda: *sweating*

Iwatori: *smugly smiling at Brett*

Brett: Why has everyone gone quiet?

*instinctively turns around to see a Goodra wearing a hanging cast around her shoulder, looking disappointed*

Brett:  :O

Analieta: And to think I used to cheer you on as you battled, right now you're using dirty tricks to try and send me to jail.

Brett: ...

Analieta: Thanks a lot, Mr. Big Shot. I'll be taking my seat at the Defendant's bench now. Hope you enjoy your deserved fame from this point onward.

Brett: *lowers head*

*Analieta leaves the stand, leaving Brett alone*

Judge: Well then. At least the Defendant is back for the remainder of the trial. Would the Defense like a quick Recess to speak with their client?

Mathilda: *shakes head* No, Your Honor. I think I'll let her rest for a little while longer.

Judge: The defendant seems to be doing alright... Fine, please continue where you left off, Ms. Sierra.

Mathilda: Thank you, Your Honor. Now then, let's begin by connecting Analieta's injuries to the crime.

Analieta was shot in the back, eliminating the possibility that she could have shot herself. I propose that Venin might have been there when she was shot, but Venin doesn’t have arms, and he was known to hate using guns. This creates a contradiction, one we already discussed before the Police ‘representative’ showed up and made a mess.

Judge: It does?

Mathilda: Yes, and this contradiction is the reason why the gun was hidden at the crime scene, and this same contradiction was the reason why the Police wanted to refrain from bringing it up during the trial.  Brett, I hate to ask this, but you’re a PRT, right?

Brett: ... Yes. Yes I am.

Mathilda: Do you own a gun like the one we have now?

Brett: … Yes, but I follow Protocol. I only have mine on me when I leave to Detroit on the surface.

Mathilda: (Which means he doesn’t have his gun now.) Need I remind the court that the gun that was fired is the model issued to PRT’s?

Iwatori: Boy, there must be an echo in here. *slams mechanical hand on desk* Are you ready to leave the stand yet, Mr. Winkel?

Brett: *lowers head* …

Iwatori: I mean, not only did the Police trick you into lying about the gun, making the court forget that the gun that shot Analieta was a PRT model, but they also made you look like a fool for not knowing about the key. If I were you, I’d be incredibly pissed off. And to add insult to injury, one of your fans just turned around and rejected you. THAT has to hurt.

Brett: …

Mathilda: (Brett looks torn. He must really have trusted Passive.)

Brett: … The gun that shot the defendant… was a PRT gun? Passive didn’t tell me that…

Mathilda: !

*cut music*

Brett: Mattie… please continue…

*Brett raises his head back up; his eyes are glowing red and he was clenching his sharp fangs*

Brett: I want to hear… the rest of your theory… of who shot the defendant.

Mathilda: … My argument is simple. The gun that shot Analieta Simmons is a model issued only to PRTs. However, Stu Venin refused a gun when he was assigned it. Put these two facts together, and what conclusion do you get?

Judge: …

Iwatori: ...

Brett: A third Pokemon was at the Scene of the Crime… and that Pokemon… could only be a PRT.

Mathilda: *nods* Your Honor. The Defense is ready to point out a new suspect.…

Judge: I understand, Ms. Sierra. However, please be aware that accusing someone of a crime is a very serious occasion. With the Golden Law in effect, you must be absolutely sure that you are certain of what you are doing.

Mathilda: Yes, your Honor. It is my belief that this Pokemon was at the crime scene that night. The pistol, which was shoved into the mini-bathroom, could not have belonged to Venin. Besides that, after looking at the Court Record again, I’d like to summon this Pokemon as a suspect. Not only for shooting my client in the back, but also for the disappearance of Stu Venin.

Judge: Very well, do you have a name for this Pokemon?

Mathilda: … No. Instead, I’d like to present evidence.

Judge: Even Better.

“Besides the gun, please present evidence to my Court showing that a third Pokemon was present at the Ramen Shoppe that night.”

Mathilda: *reading out of the Pink Notebook.* “1:00. Ramen Shoppe. Talk to Wyld.”

Brett: … *Once again lowers head*

Mathilda: The only reason he isn’t here now, is because he said he never went to the Ramen Shoppe that night. Your Honor, I’d like to strike everything Brett the Umbreon has said from the record, and instead summon Mr. Wyld to the Stand.

Brett: … *head still down*

Iwatori: … Finally.

Judge: Very Well. I shall send out orders to summon Mr. Wyld right away. Mr. Winkel, please step down.

*Brett walks away with his head hung low**

Judge: Now is a good time to suspend the proceedings here. I expect both of you to return to the crime scene and investigate it to the best of your abilities. When we return to Court tomorrow, Dace Wyld will testify to the Court about his alibi.

Mathilda: Yes, Your Honor.

Iwatori: Hai.

Judge: *nods* Now then-

???: Please wait, your Honor!

Judge: !

*Casey Grafia races up to the stand, out of breath*

Casey: Whew! For a minute I thought I was going to be too late! I have game-changing evidence that I’d like to show the court!

Mathilda: Game changing evidence? Casey, I already potentially turned the trial over to my favor.

Casey: Well, I have more to show the court, so hold off on ending the trial for right now!

Judge: Ok, Ok, calm down. what is it, did you find Venin?

Casey: eh, no. After Analieta was deemed stable, that Gourgeist walked into the room and asked me to do a favor for her!

Iwatori: Ninny-chan asked you to do a favor?

Casey: Well, she wanted to check on Analieta for a minute while she was searching for Venin, and when she saw me, she must have thought of an idea.

Judge: What was it that she wanted you to do?

Casey: She gave me this weird device and told me to “scan the whole Ramen Shoppe and look for hidden blood,” so I raced back over there, and BOY did I find something ridiculous!

Iwatori: Scan for blood? You found more blood at the crime scene?!

Casey: Yes I did! There was also a Kabutops who supervised me while I searched the area, I think he said he was the bartender?

Judge: … Bailiff. The Bartender was the Emolga.

Casey: Oh… So uh, can I see the map? I’ll mark down where I found the blood!

Mathilda: Wow, you sure seem excited.

Casey: Well, duh! I can’t write an article on this trial, so I want to help in SOME way!

Judge: I suppose I can't just turn face to what you have to say. Here is a black and white copy of the map.

*Casey pulls out a marker from her camera case and begins scribbling on the map.*

Judge: *watching* Thank goodness that’s only a copy.

Casey: Sorry about the quality, but LOOK at that! I found ALL of that blood using Ninny’s device.

Iwatori: I wish she had that device when we investigated the first time.

Judge: Bailiff, you were watching her do this, were you not? Is this an accurate representation of blood locations at the shop?

Bailiff: Y-Yes, Your Honor. That’s exactly what I saw as well.

Iwatori: Well, I think we can safely say if THAT much blood was in the kitchen, then someone definitely died there.

Mathilda: (Hey... Look at that!) Casey, you just helped my case out even more!

Casey: Really? Awesome!

Mathilda: The way the blood is positioned shows that the shooting and Venin's possible death really did happen at the same time!

"Look here! You can see how the two events relate to each other!"

Mathilda: The smaller pool of blood must have been where Analieta was shot, so that means that the first pool is hers. Notice the small trail here that begins at where she was shot, going through the larger pool.

Iwatori: She must have made her way to the door after after she started bleeding.

Judge: I fail to see how that connects to Venin's now apparent death. All we can tell from this is that Analieta went through the area where the giant lake was found.

Mathilda: I got you covered, Your Honor. Look at the trail closest to the back door. Notice anything different about it?

Brett: I... don't see-

Iwatori: Be Quiet!

Judge: ... Oh! That trail is much wider than the trail to the west!

Mathilda: Exactly. As much as it pains me to say this, the blood must have still been around or at least washed poorly enough for Analieta to be able to drag some of it along with her when she made her way out of this building. This proves two things, and both of these facts are grotesque.

Iwatori: And just what are these 'contest facts?'

Mathilda: ... 'Grotesque,' meaning 'gross.' (You had me fooled that you were completely fluent until I used that word, too... I guess English really ISN'T his 1st Language)

1. Analieta must have fallen to the ground and crawled to the door, or else the trail wouldn't have changed size so drastically.

2. If the Defendant really did crawl through a huge pool of blood, then the victim must have already died at that point.

*bangs desk with sceptre* Therefore, my client was shot soon after Stu Venin the Arbok was killed. Meaning that the two events are related to the crime at hand!

*Entire Courtroom goes silent in surprise*

Iwatori: That trail... She must have escaped from the building crawling on her stomach... The question is... What happened after that?

Casey: After I found the trail leading outside, I went out the back door and tried as best as I could to follow it until I couldn't anymore! Does anyone have a map of the entire City I can borrow?

Iwatori: I think I have one somewhere in my organizer… here. It’s the area around the Restaurant, use that marker and draw the path of the blood route.

Casey: Why, Thank you. Aaaand… Done.

Casey: Sorry, didn’t use that gadget where I could get hurt. That’s as far as I got.

Judge: Heh, looks like the tradition of marking the Monorail Line as Pink is still going. Now then-

Mathilda: Is that REALLY the path the Defendant went after crawling out of the Crime Scene?! It looks like she was crawling into the street, crossing over the Monorail's path!

Judge: Was she trying to commit suicide?

Iwatori: Since the Defendant is still alive, most likely not. Looking at the path Casey-kun drew for us, it looks like she was making a path straight across the street to the building on the other side of the road.

Mathilda: *slams desk with sceptre* Why would she do that when she was dying from blood loss?! Look at the map again, Prosecutor Iwatori! There was a building and a set of double doors directly north of where she was crawling that would have been a lot easier and she wouldn’t have had to risk her life!

Iwatori: Well then. I guess it all boils down to one question then. “ Why did Analieta the Goodra risk getting run over by the Monorail trying to reach the other side of the road?”

Mathilda: … I think a better question right now would be: “What building is that?” It’s clearly large than any of the buildings on the other side of the road… Was that a hospital, perhaps?

Iwatori:Don’t be absurd. Hospitals need a lot more room than that for ambulances. If my memory of this city serves… that is the-

*Iwatori freezes. You can hear the gears in his mechanical arms whurring thanks to him not moving properly.*

Mathilda: … Hello? Prosecutor Iwatori?

Brett: *head still hung low* … Matti- I mean Mathilda Sierra. I am truly sorry for my statements earlier. After hearing all of this going on before me, I was wrong. Very wrong.

Mathilda: ? (He’s… suddenly changing stance?)

Brett: Iwatori just made a startling realization. I saw the same thing he did the second Casey drew the Court that map, and you deserve to know the truth. A truth I didn’t even realise, but I’m glad I did.

Mathilda: … Truth?

Brett: … Gohman Passive betrayed me, turned on me to make myself look like a selfish prick! That BASTARD!

*Brett then clenches his claws into a fist, and raises said fist a fit of anger. When he does, the whole Courtroom shakes.*

Mathilda: Wha-

Brett: HMPH!

*He then slams his fist on the Witness Stand. A few seconds later, the whole Witness Stand turns to bits of sawdust and piles near the Umbreon’s feet.

Mathilda: ! *eyes wide open*

Judge: Good Lord…

Brett: *head hung low, fist now resting on his side. His red rings slowly stop glowing*

“Mathilda… The building that Analieta was crawling to… is the Police Department.”

*Mathilda loses her vision for a few seconds*

Mathilda: Wha-


Casey: !

Entire Courtroom: !

Brett: Do you see the problem now? Should I explain it?…;

*Without even a peep, the entire courtroom turns to Mathilda and Iwatori, who both have frozen over in complete shock.*

Brett: *Raises head* Pardon me. I now have some business to take of.

*Brett the Umbreon leaves*

Mathilda: … *mouth hung open*

Iwatori: … *staring into space*

Judge: Well, that was... eye opening. Let me get everything straight;

“Analieta Simmons was shot in the back, but managed to survive. With all of her strength, she forced herself out the back door of the Ramen Shoppe, and dragged her half-dead self across a busy Monorail Road to reach the Police Station.

The evidence does not lie. The Police said that the Dragon walked through the doors and turned herself in… admitting that she killed Stu Venin.

According to the Police report… the Chief Prosecutor immediately threw her into an isolated Detention Center after her ‘confession,’ thanks to the Golden Law.

Mathilda: Remember what the doctors said?  Analieta became specially paralyzed after she stopped secreting goo from her body…

Iwatori: There’s only one reason her whole body stopped creating slime: it was to use all of the slime she had in her system and use it to block off the bullet wound like a defense mechanism, so she wouldn’t die from blood loss.

Mathilda: All because the Police didn’t treat her wound the entire time she was held in Detention… It also explains why the Police wanted to send this case to trial so badly…

Iwatori: If Analieta had gotten a ‘Guilty’ Verdict in this way…

Mathilda: Then she would suffer the same fate as Burt Bills, the Gurdurr, and when she finally died, it would have looked like she was shot in Prison.

Judge: …


Judge: This part of the case is clear to me. The Police knowingly hid information from the court, and even with all of these other bogus laws, that is still unacceptable. I hereby deny all of the New Detroit Police, access into the Investigation of Stu Venin the Arbok, with the exception of Ninny Bowen the Gourgeist once a body has been found. Full Authority to investigate lies to the responsibility of the Defense Attorney and the Prosecution.

*Gallery mumbles more quietly than usual*

Judge: As soon as this trial comes to a close, I expect you two to report to the Crime Scene for a final investigation, ASAP. If an N.D. officer besides Bowen enters the Ramen Shoppe, then they are to be arrested and jailed under the Golden Law. Understand?

Mathilda: Yes, Your Honor.

Iwatori: … Hai. Doomo Arigato Gozaimasu.


Judge: I hereby end all proceedings for the day. Court is Dismissed.
Court Record:


I'm taking a hiatus from AAPE for a long while to start cracking on a GOOD episode for a Podcast, assuming it won't get rejected like the announcement on it's current status.

If THIS (AAPE Part 9) gets denied from Pokeumans, then at that point my motivation to keep working on this series will plummet like my motivation to get a haircut. I literally have Furfrou Hair right now.
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yellowfire7's avatar
"Why did the Goodra cross the road?"